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Choosing a Career of Constant Learning

“In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” –Eric Hoffer

This quote really sits with me as a Web Designer and Developer. Working in such a fast moving industry really makes me appreciate how much I actually find joy in learning.

If a designer or developer refuses to learn or progress with the industry, they unfortunately find themselves perfectly equipped to work in an industry that no longer cares for their skill set.

Working with many different designers and developers has taught me that most of the people who are passionate about their jobs are normally extremely passionate about learning.

Luxury Car Landing Page Design

As a fun project, my team was tasked with creating an interesting design related to cars that would make you want to buy something.

Naturally I went with my favorite car, the Jaguar F-Type, and created a luxury car landing page that would appeal more to high-end buyers. Things I wanted to include were an easier search form above the fold, an interactive trim slider that would allow users to cycle through multiple versions of the car, and a cleaner footer.

View my project below and let me know what you think!